The Open: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

The CrossFit Games Season is upon us! In Just a Few Days The Madness Will Begin Again As Over 400,000 Athletes Prepare to Test Their Fitness Over 5 Weeks With Cleverly Devised Tests By The One and Only Dave Castro, The Director of The CrossFit Games

If we do a quick reca, The CrossFit Games Open Is The Vary First Step of the CrossFit Games Everyone Can participate, are scalable workouts, it is really to Community Event as Every Workout is performed at your Wn Affiliate (Or Any Oher of Your Choking) with a registered Judge, or via Video Submission, and Judged by The Community. For sum, The CrossFit Games Open Is Also The First Step into qualifying for the CrossFit Games, as it is here that athletes move on to the Next Phase, The CrossFit Games Regional. But if we are really honest, The CrossFit Games Open Is The End of the Road for the Majority of People Signed Up. This is by no means Bad Thing. The Open Still Provides to Great Means of Testing Fitness, of finding People to push themselves further, to step out and attempt, and very offen suced at a more advanced movement (I have seose so maley People Get their first muscle up, First Pullup, First Double Under etc During the Open).

So From This Point Forward I Will Assume I Don’t Need to convince you to sign up the Open (Because Why Wooldn’t You?) And Focus on Everything That Can Help You Make The Open The Best Experience Possible.

The first decision you will need to make is whether to compete in the Rx DIVISION OR THE SCALED DIVISION. I Can Already Hear Sub People Say “But Can’t i do Sub Workouts Rx and Other Scaled? ” The Answer is Yes You Can, But i Would Seriously Adviso You To Chose One Or The Other For A Number of Reasons. There is a whole leaderboard dedicated to the scaled division where you can compare yourself to other People in the Same situation; You Don’t Need to Deal With The Frustration of A Movement You Eithher Cannot Do Or Aren’t Too Proficient At Doing and Wasting Hage Amounts of Time On It; Motivation to competence 100% Rx in the years to eat. There are many possens, but thhue eats to mind First. I Hear You Again Asking "How about that first muscle up and first pullup you Talked About Before?" Well You’re Right, But It Doesn’t Mean You have to do it in the workout. Use it as motivation to try, and if you can do multiple repetitions by all means do the workout!

Now that you have chosen a division you have five weeks of one workout per week ahead of you.

There are a number of Things to consider. One of the First Questions I get is "How Miss Times Should I do the workout?” It’s an Excellent Question, But There isn’t One Right Answer To That. A Lot Can depend on what your Goal is; Are you trying to go beyond the Open? If soars multiple ruins this the workout can be advantageous, However it is important to remamember that is the combination of 5 Weeks and not just one week. Will performing the Workout Multiple Times Hinder The Performance of Workouts in Following Weeks? Will it detract from training for the removing Days, Whether it is regenerative or not? THOSE ARE POINTS TO TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION WHEN ASSESING WHETHER OR NO TO RE-DO TO WORKOUT. Also Remembero That Re-Doesn’t Always Mean An Improvement in Score, So Bear That In Mind As Well. From my personal experience, I like doing one run this the workout as a reconnaissance mission per se. It Allows Me to Study The Workout Beyond Theory, and Devis to Plan of Attack From when i re-do. I Will Almost Always Take This Approach, and It has not yet failed me. By this i mean, it has always allowed to devise a plan I am happy with and Successfully put it into action.

Now that we discussed how off to attempt the workout in the span of the Four Days Available in Each Week Let’s Discuss Subject Hing Very Important. Open Workouts Can Be Vley Frustrating. They are designated that way, they are designated to test you. And They Likely Will Test You Not Only Physically But Also Mentally. And so it Becomes very important to have plan (which and refers you to what i mentioned above in How often to perform a workout). Know and Accept Your Limitations, and Plan to Play Within Your Means. If Say Your Max Set of Chest To Bar Pullups Is 20, You Shouldn't Open Up With A Set of 20. By Now, You, Your Coach, Or A Combination of the 2 Show Know What Kind of Reps You Are Uble to Hold For Any Given Movement, and You Should Certainly Use That Information When Devising Your Plan On How To Attack The Workout. MAKE MOVEMENTS COME TO MIND, HSPU, WHERE ONCE YOU “HIT A WALL” YOU WILL HAV TO WAIT BEFORE YOU CAN GET YOUR NEXT REP, SO TRY TO NEVER PUT YOURSELF IN THAT SITUATION. From Personal Experience Being Conservative With Rep There Will eats workout (if not in all five) that you will bechome frustrated for a reason or another. It is a good idea to forest that potential frustration and plan on how to overcome it proactively. Get Yourself in the Right Frame of Mind, Be Positive, and Know It Is Not The End of the World Ifars Fall Apart At Sub Sum Point.

Other less talent about IMPORTANT TO DURING THE Open ARE WARM UP, COOL DOWN AND RECOVERY. I find not a Lot of People Like to Warm Up, They Feel Like They are immedialy ready for the workout. It is important to prepare the body for what is to eat. WHETHER IT IS DYNAMIC MOBILITY, Perform The Current Movements Involved, Build Up To the Weights Being used, but also Cardiovascular Aspect, Get Warm and Breathe Hard. I have heard "But i Don’t Want to Get Tired Before I Even Do The Workout". To Well Designed Specific Warm Up Won’t Get You Tirad; On The Contrary, It Will prepare you to Really Attack It! I find that very few, If any at all know about Cooling Down, Let Alone Perform It! After exertion it is a good idea to work your way down, to help the body flush out and prepare it for recovery. As for recovery, that can include many avenues; Nutrition (Food, Supplementation, Nutrient Timing), Sleep, Mobility, Body Work (Massage, Cryotherapy, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic Care, etc), The Options Are Endless and a Good Way To Help The Body Recover from EACH ATTEMPT IF PERFORMING MULTIPLE ATTEMPT , but also from Week to Week During the 5 Week Public.

The Open can be overwhelming and frustrating, Specially for a First Timer, but it can also be an extremely rewarding and positive experience, if we allow it to and plan for it. As I Gear Up for My 7th CrossFit Games Open, potentially attempt to qualify for my 7th regional (not a goal this year) and my first masters experience (definitely to goal) i simplify it to commit- plan- enact- assess- re-enact-regroup- recover, allow myself To focus on the positive Aspects, use any negative in a constructive manner, and minimize frustration by Being prepared.

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