Europes 2018
The May 18, 19 and 20, Berlin The semifinals of Los Games 2018 hosts at the Velodrom. In this three -day event, the 40 best men, the 40 best women and the 30 best teams in Northern Europe and Central Europe classified after the OPEN will fight for a position in the final In Madison this summer.Who are we going to see?
Among the classified athletes, the famous names we observe in the Leaderboard are:- Adrian Mundwiler, Picsil Athlete
- BK Gudmundsson
- Lukas Högberg
- Sara Sigmundottir
- Emma Mcquaid
- Kristin Holte

2018 regional events
This week the WODs that the competitors of the Regionals will have to do have been announced. At the end of the different competitions, only the top 5 of men, women and teams can compete in the CrossFit Games 2018. On Friday, individual athletes will have to do:
Event 1
Triple 3 For time: 3,000m of remote 300 double jumps 3 miles of race (4.8km) time cap: 49 minutes
Event 2
Linda 10-9-7-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 REPS for Time Deadlift 295 /220 lb. (133/99.7 kg) Bench Press 195/135 lb. (88/61.2 kg) Squat Clean 145/105 lb. (65.7 / 47.6 kg) Time Cap: 17 minutes on Saturday will play:
Event 3
For Time: 9 Muscle-Us Handstand Walk 36 Senchances in a Handstand Walk 9 muscle-ups Handstand Walk 45 squats in a Handstand Walk 9 Muscle-ups Handstand Walk 54 squats in one leg Time Cap: 13 minutes
Event 4
For Time: 2 rounds of: 10 Snatches 175/125 lb. (79.3 / 56.6 kg) 12 Burpees later, 2 rounds of: 10 Snatches 115/75 lb. (52,1 / 34 kg) 12 Burpees Time Cap: 9 minutes and finally, on Sunday the competition will end with:
Event 5
For Time: 50 Handstand Push-ups 50 Toes-to-Bars 50 Cal. Assault Bike 50 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs 50-FT (15 m) Dumbbell Overhead Lunge with the Right Hand 50-FT (15 m) Dumbbell Overhead Lunge with the left hand Men: 70-lb (31.7 kg) Dumbbells, 24 -In. Box with 17 minutes of Time Cap. Women: 50-lb. (22.6 kg) Dumbbells, 20-in. Box with 22 minutes of Time Cap.
Event 6
For Time: 4 Rope Climbs 16 Thrusters 3 Rope Climbs 12 Thrusters 2 Rope Climbs 8 Thrusters H 155 Lb. (70.3 kg); M 105 lb. (47.6 kg). Time Cap: 7 minutes in terms of classified teams, these are the WOD that will have to make.
Event 1
MAN-MUJER-MUJER: 25 Overhead Squats 150 Double-Inders Next, relay: Handstand Walk H 135-LB. (61.2 kg) and 155-lb. (70.3 kg) OHS M 95-LB. (43 kg) and 115-lb. (52.1 kg) OHS TIME CAP: 17 minute
Event 2
4 rounds for time of: 200 m Carrera (couples) 25 chest-to-bar Pull-ups synchronized (couples) 10 worm clean and push press (equipment) Time cap: 17 minute
Event 3
For Time: Man-woman couple 1 3 rounds: 30/20-Cal. Assault Bike 21-15-9 Partner Deadlifts, 440 lb. (200 kg) Man-woman couple 2 1 round: 90 /60-Cal. Assault Bike 45 Partner Deadlifts, 440 lb. (200 kg) Time Cap: 17 minute
Event 4
For Time: 40 Worm Thrusters 40 Worm Burpees 30 Worm Thrusters 30 Worm Burpees Time Cap: 12 Minutes
Event 5
For Time: Women: 20 Rope Climbs (couple) 40-Cal. REMO (each) 60 snatches, 95 Lb. (43 kg) (couple) Next, men: 20 rope climbs (couple) 40-Cal. rowing (each) 60 snatches, 135 Lb. (61.2 kg) (couple) Time cap: 17 minute
Event 6
For Time: 144 Handstand Push-ups 144-FT. (43 m) Worm lunge
Time Cap: 9 Minutes
As you can see, the level of regional events is very high and every year becomes more demanding. You can consult All the details of the exercises On the official page of the CrossFit Games In case you do not know, Spanish athletes classified in the Meridian Regionals will also have to hold those events. We will also be in Madrid to see them in action and encourage them.
Stand Picsil in Europes Europes
If you are traveling to Berlin next weekend, take advantage of your visit to Velodrom to discover PICSIL products and especially Anna, our new Rope. In addition, we have prepared a lot of activities, promotions, contests and raffles that you cannot miss. We advance some.

Anna and Bee Rope, the fastest combas in the world
You may want to discover first -hand the speed of the combas Anna and Bee Rope of PICSIL. We propose two challenges:- MAKE THE MAXIMUM OF TURS WITH ANNA