Who doesn't like a sweet? Of course there will be a percentage of people to whom sweet foods do not attract attention and always prefer salty options, but in a general way, it is very easy for a sweet food to make us feel wonderful sensations in the palate.
And just that is the problem we are today, since the industry decided to add sugar or sugar substitutes to all the products they manufacture.
We find a society that constantly seeks very palatable foods, and if they take products naturally, they say they do not enjoy their flavor tan intensely or directly they do not appreciate any flavor.
We have the palate too stimulated and this has very negative health effects, both physical and mental. Today we know that sugar is not recommended, that it even accelerates the aging of our cells, that we must look more like the labels of the products so as not to buy camouflaged sugar and that at more sugar ingested in the day, greater anxiety we present and greater need to continue increasing these long -term intakes. This causes us to enter a loop from which many people do not know how to leave.
In consultation it is very common to listen to phrases of the type: "It is that if I do not take something sweet after eating, I feel that I am not satiated", "I am always more sweet than salad and it is hard for me to say no", "if not sweet breakfast , I am under mood "," If I open a Package of cookies as I know without realizing it. ”
In this article we will tell you what options we find in the supermarket of sugar And what other substitutes can we buy.
Natural sweeteners
White sugar and brown sugar:

We talk about the two in the same section, because although many people believe that brown sugar is healthier because they are "different", the reality is that they behave practically the same. They provide about 4 kcal for each gram, and have no nutritional density.
They contain insignificant amounts of vitamins and minerals. The difference between white and brunette sugar is that brown sugar has a molasses, which provides that color brown.

It comes from bees and contains large properties. It is antioxidant and antimicrobial, so many people say that they can improve hot infusion with honey when they are sick. Always try to buy it from local businesses, without any more added ingredient. Regarding its use, taking it naturally and not subjecting it to high cooking temperatures, since it loses properties and there are even recent studies that indicate that its compounds are transformed and can become a carcinogen.

PRocede of a Latin American plant. Its consumption is high because it does not provide calories and is a good option when we try to reduce our sugar intake. It can help reduce appetite, since it controls the blood glucose peaks a lot.
As in everything, we do not recommend abusing, but perhaps it is one of the natural sweeteners that we recommend the most when the person needs to sweeten their coffee. That comes from a plant does not mean that it cannot have side effects, in fact, in the packagings of sweetened chewed gum or chocolate with Stevia, in small print a message of the type “an abuse of an abuse of This food can cause laxative effect. ” This is due to taking Stevia in a recurring way, it can cause long -term gastrointestinal discomfort. Control its use.
Xilitol and erythritol:

These are polyccohols, present naturally in plants. Although they are low in calories, something they contribute, and they are the ones that give the most problems assimilation to people who easily suffer from gases, diarrhea ...
In the case of erythritol, we confirm that it contributes 0 calories, and that it usually digest much better. It is the most used in ketogenic diets.
They are two options that you can use to make homemade pastry, knowing that an abuse can become harmful, but using it in a timely manner is not bad. There are no contraindications when cooking it at high temperatures, such as a cake. It is currently easy to find it in supermarkets, and its price usually ranges the € 8-12 a 500 gr pack.
Fresh fruit:

There are many recipes where they use fruit as sweetener. It is a very good option and the most recommended.
You can use banana (the more mature the more sweet flavor you will have), carrot, apple, pear, sweet potato ... the texture of the elaborations is more humid, but for this you will have to play more with the amounts of the rest of the ingredients.
Discarded fruit:

We can sweeten our recipes with coconut Rallado, dates, dry figs, raisins, ears ... Of course they are ingredients that will give us calories, but their nutritional density is greater and that is the interesting thing, which we eat to nourish ourselves. In cases of diabetes, type II diabetes or some pathology, it must be taken into account that dried fruit can also affect us in blood glucose levels, but it is a very good option to use in our preparations.
Agave syrup:

It is fructose, and even if they are healthy, we must not abuse, since an elevated intake increases the level of triglycerides. It is easy to move from the recommended amount, because of the way of adding it in the elaborations, which is usually above pancakes, or in the porridge of oatmeal.
Punctually nothing happens to consume it, but it is very palatable and easy to get hooked to its flavor.
Artificial sweeteners
These are sweeteners that have been created in laboratories. Although they are within the classification of height sweeteners, we should not confuse and think that it is very healthy to ingest them daily. Normally they are the ones that most alter the intestinal microbiota, and can deregulate metabolism, the level of satiety ... we tell you what are:

It can appear as E-954, perhaps the sweetener who seems to have the greatest bitter taste. Quite controversy in terms of your safety. If you are one of those who use it daily, we recommend you vary with other options that we propose in this article. WHO recommends a daily 5mg daily intake per kg. That is, if you weigh 73 kg, your recommendation would be about 5 saccharin pills a maximum.

Also with a sweetness very similar to sugar, which makes the consumer still need its use to enjoy food. It is not advisable to take it daily, since it is also in many products that we have at hand in the supermarket. It is easy to overcome the recommended daily intake in one day.
Where can you find it easier is in drinks Carbonated, ice cream ... There is also a lot of controversy in its danger, but it has been shown to be the artificial sweeteners that less time remains in the body, and is also insoluble in fat.

It is a sweetener with a taste very similar to sugar, but low in calories. It is used a lot in drinks, industrial juices, gum, jams, industrial pastries. Therefore, it is easy to go from the recommended safe daily intake, since it is among the ingredients of numerous products. It is an artificial sweetener that we may see it soon on additives lists prohibited For human consumption.
With all this information that we have offered you, we want you to be able to consciously choose what kind of sweetener it suits you according to the context. Of course you are not going to alter your metabolism or to harm your health by using refined sugar in specific moments of your life. Also remember that the palate is educated, and that with a gradual process you can completely eliminate sugar in your diet. And most importantly, you will begin to enjoy the authentic flavors that each food provides. A new world opens before you.
Content written by: https://fabsnutri.es/ https://www.instagram.com/fabsnutri/